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Andrea has photographed gardens professionally for almost thirty years and is now one of the world’s foremost garden photographers. Her many varied assignments have taken her around the globe, working private commissions, books, magazines and newspaper assignments.


Raised in the south of England by her Mother who loved gardens and Father who loved photography, she became fascinated and inspired by naturally occurring art forms. Andrea studied art at Bournemouth then photography at Salisbury before entering the commercial world.


Buying and selling Leicas in the 80s, studio work for advertising, assisting a leading interiors photographer, working with Dr Jane Goodall in Africa on wildlife projects and full circle to photographing gardens in Dorset in the 90s all contributed to a diverse range of photographic skills she could not have predicted. A spell with fine art photographer Bruce Rae in London revived her love of darkroom skills and sharpened her attention to the subtleties of light.

Based in Scotland, Andrea exhibits her work internationally, and has had several successful solo exhibitions in both the United Kingdom and the United States.

On Garden Photography

'Trees and plants each have their own character. Many change their clothes depending on the season, some disappear into the ground when the climate changes. Others appear in the warmth of the early morning light, stun me with their beauty and then drop their petals before my eyes. Some refuse to wake up until late and only consent photography in the full sun. I love spending hours getting to know their intimate secrets through my camera lens.' 

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